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  1. #21
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    dont know that any one was offended by the original post. I wasen't . I personally just disagree with the whole approach by the parents. also dont agree with the set up by the daughter. but for the most part what happens in some one elses castle is really none of my business.

  2. #22
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    That's not even that bad of a "beating"... Child abuse? Not at all in my opinion. Excessive? Yup. And she's definitely overplaying it (the daughter). Getting beaten with a wide belt like that was a lot easier than with the skinny belts. The skinny ones were often a leather that seemed to have a "harder" finish. Those hurt a helluva lot more! I got a fair few belt whippin's as a kid, mostly deserved

    Honestly, if my opinion of anyone was lessened by this vid, it was the daughter for being a useless money-grubbing black-mailing POS.
    Last edited by zito; 02-12-2012 at 07:56 PM.

  3. #23
    TheHoss's Avatar
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    Little bit of a personal story. My mom is a back woods country type, alcoholic unfortunately. My dad, a Vietnam vet with extreme PTSD. My parents got divorced when i was 5. Mom would get drunk, and take me on drives. Take me up to the mountains, to a bar. Leave me in the car for hours. Come back out and we'd go home. All while my Dad was at work. (worked 2 jobs at the time). I have memories of watching mom throw objects at dad in a drunken rage. From microwaves to irons. I would be hiding in a corner or under a table. I did get hit a few times, just caught in the crossfire.

    Dad never beat me. I DID get spanked when i was young. When i was in my early teens dad hand made a paddle, called the "Knock you on your ass stick". He only used it twice on me. I never was a "bad" kid, always "yes sir, no sir, yes ma'am, no ma'am". Just raised the right way. (Not sayin none of yall were). When i turned 16 i decided that i deserved the whole world and wanted it right now! You know what i'm talking about. Typical 16 year old stuff. Had an attitude. Reckon that came from bein teased at school at a constant, mind numbing pace, and coming from a broken home. Dad and i were argueing about something, dont remember now. I kept saying "Get off my back! Get outta my face!" to pops. He got me by my throat, shoved me up against the wall, told me if i ever say that again ill regret it. So, in typical manner, i said "Get off my back and go f*** yourself". BAM. He let me go, and slapped me into oblivion. I remember waking up, and runnin out the door. Ran away to a cousins house for a week, finally had to come home. Came home STILL with an attitude. Dad told me if i kept cussin at him he'll call the cops. Told him "You dont have the tits" (We STILL laugh about that line hahaha) He called the cops on me sure nough. It was a long night, but we eventually got through it. I straightened up, and turned out alright.

    Now i love my mom to death. She quit drinking so much when i turned 18. We got into a HUGE argument, she told me that i dont know what i'm talking about. I remember saying "Great, i'm being screamed at by a f****** drunk", then i left her house. That was the turning point for her. Ended up telling her that i will not continue to have a relationship with her if she keeps drinking. I simply couldnt handle the drunk calls every night, crying, all worked up about something. Mom is good now. She got remarried to a POS (my opinion, not hers), and is doing good.

    My dad and i have a fantastic relationship. We've had our problems in the past. But everything that happened made me a better person. I'm proud of the way i was raised.

    This video is horrible. I totally believe that she did that whole thing for attention. When mom used to throw me around and slap me around, i sure as hell wasnt just walking it off like she was. I do NOT agree with how excessive they were though. Parents have some screws loose, that's for sure.

  4. #24
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  5. #25
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Couple Beat Child To Death With “Biblical Rod”

    "To “spare the rod” is indicative of a parent who does not discipline their child, that is, to teach, guide, and direct. This is the parent who “hates their child.” To spare the rod doesn’t mean a parent should beat down their children into submission, rather they are to be like shepherds who value and care for their charges and keep them from danger by using the tools of good parenting to teach responsible behavior and appropriate morality."
    When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
    no taxes, no debt, women did all the work.
    White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Old Cherokee saying

    I did not surrender, they took my horse and made him surrender. - Lone Watie

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  7. #26
    wayne's Avatar
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    Just a thought: If hitting children works, why do you have to keep doing it?
    I know lying is wrong, but if the elephant man came in now in a blouse with some make up on, and said, "How do I look?" Would you say, bearing in mind he's depressed and has respiratory problems, would you say, "Go and take that blusher off you mis-shapened elephant tranny?" No. You'd say, "You look nice... John""

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  9. #27
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wayne View Post
    Just a thought: If hitting children works, why do you have to keep doing it?
    Guess the same reason you have to keep putting them in "time-out", punishing them from t.v., computers, phones, grounding them from extracurricular activities, etc.,etc.,etc......

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  11. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by wayne View Post
    Just a thought: If hitting children works, why do you have to keep doing it?
    cause you didn't do it right the first time?

    sorry, couldn't resist...

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  13. #29
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    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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  15. #30
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wayne View Post
    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
    Then this "keep putting them in "time-out", punishing them from t.v., computers, phones, grounding them from extracurricular activities, etc.,etc.,etc......" most definitely qualifies as Insanity.

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  17. #31
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    Now now...the solution is for the kids to all get in a circle with a fuzzy bunny to pet, eat some sprinkled cupcakes and sing kum bah yah, and then ask them why they do bad things.

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  19. #32
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    I approach the situation from a different perspective as I live in another country. In the UK, and in much of Europe, if you hit a child with the intent to hurt them there is every chance you will end up in Court. Other than the obvious case of self defence, hitting anyone is illegal here, whether they are an adult or a child and regardless of whether they are related to you or not related to you. Hitting a child is considered a graver offence as a child has less chance of being able to defend themselves or otherwise do anything to stop the situation.

    The law here makes no distinction between who you hit. If you went out in the street and hit a child you didn't know with a belt you would definately go to jail. Again, there is every chance you would go to jail if it was your own child that you hit with a belt.

    From a parent's perspective, one part of parenting entails giving your child the best upbringing/opportunities/experiences/education that you can. My own opinion is that you don't do this by demonstrating that when all else fails to work violence is the answer. I don't think an adult hitting a child to re-inforce a point has the desired effect - instead I believe the real effect it has is that it teaches the child that violence towards people who are not able to fight back is acceptable if it means you get your own way.

    As I said, this is a different view than that held by other members, and it is one developed as a result of living in a different country. Hopefully having a different perspective will help move the debate forward in a constructive way.
    Last edited by wayne; 02-15-2012 at 02:03 PM.

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  21. #33
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    No, I believe what I said was lead by example.

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  23. #34
    TrashPickingAusKid2's Avatar
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    i got hit with a tv last time dad was with my mother, literally, i have a scar on my elbow where the tv hit me

  24. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrashPickingAusKid2 View Post
    i got hit with a tv last time dad was with my mother, literally, i have a scar on my elbow where the tv hit me
    I think we now know why you're obsessed with TV's

  25. #36
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    I think this whole t.v. thing is getting blown out of proportion.

  26. #37
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