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Extreme Father

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  1. #1
    greytruck's Avatar
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    I remember those days, Once had a wooden spoon break when my ma spanked me. So she got another. HA

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  3. #2
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    Kris Kringle I didn't even watch the video at least I am honest about it. This was in the news I want to say three months ago and I think the girl is special needs to. Makes me sick. The daughter was 16 at the time I think and she didn't release the video till she was 21. I don't know why I am pretty sure this is border line child abuse if not child abuse I don't know what to call it.

  4. #3
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    I could only watch the first minite or so before my stomach started to roll. we had a weeping willow tree just outside the back door. for those who dont know, a willow switch is a killer on the legs and back.

    unfortunately my most vivid childhood memorys are the willow switch whippings I got as a kid. my mother would sometimes meet me a half mile from the house and whip me all the way home. I was raised by my grandparents who were raised in the 1800s so thats just the way it was.

    I dont know if the whippings changed any thing in my attitude, just made me tougher. but I do believe they contributed to the fact I was a drinker and bad ass bar brawler for the first 35 years of my life. at 37 I met my current wife and my life changed. I have never had to spank my kids, they knew who I was and heard the stories and, for 20 years a simple Kile! or Morgan! has been enough.

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  6. #4
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    Always two sides to the story see Kris Kringle I didn't read to much into it other then I saw the video on the most god awful show on TV nancy grace and all she did was yell like usual for about 10 mins about it before I turned it off.

    “Hillary warned her father if he reduced her financial support, and took away her Mercedes automobile, which her father had provided, he would live to regret it. The post was then uploaded.”

    **** I wish I was 23 and rolling around in benz. She does have cerebal palsy though so I don't know how I should feel about the video one side of me says its sick the other side says shes the c-word because poor daddy cut off his financial support to a 23 year old soon to be college dropout working at a video store.

  7. #5
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    Well, I guess HE showed her when she tried to blackmail him. Her "special needs" designation was due to cerebral palsy.

    He was wrong. He knew it. That's why he's gone into hiding. When he does return, he won't be handling any child abuse cases. He's being considered for censure by the State bar and investigated be the police. The only reason he hasn't been charged so far is being past the statute of limitations.

    I believe in disciplining children, including spanking, but this went too far into assault and battery.
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  9. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    I could only watch the first minite or so before my stomach started to roll. we had a weeping willow tree just outside the back door. for those who dont know, a willow switch is a killer on the legs and back.

    unfortunately my most vivid childhood memorys are the willow switch whippings I got as a kid. my mother would sometimes meet me a half mile from the house and whip me all the way home. I was raised by my grandparents who were raised in the 1800s so thats just the way it was.

    I dont know if the whippings changed any thing in my attitude, just made me tougher. but I do believe they contributed to the fact I was a drinker and bad ass bar brawler for the first 35 years of my life. at 37 I met my current wife and my life changed. I have never had to spank my kids, they knew who I was and heard the stories and, for 20 years a simple Kile! or Morgan! has been enough.
    Im only 37 and I remember the willow tree twitch beatings as well olddude. That was one sentence you didnt want to hear come from moms mouth. "Go get me a twitch from the willow tree"

  10. #7
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Grandma had a way with Hot Wheels tracks that got my attention.
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  12. #8
    submarinepainter's Avatar
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    I honestly believe most parents do the best they can most of us are young and have no life experience when we start having kids , but to beat a kids silly is beyond what I could ever wrap my head around
    Old dogs care about you even when you make mistakes;
    God bless little children while they're still too young to hate

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  14. #9
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    bottom line to me is in todays world, you don't attack a child with a weapon of any type except in self deffence. just my .02

  15. #10
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    Nope you let them play xbox all day so when they turn 18 they can join the airforce and fly drones and kill people like its a video game for a living. Ive beat my son with a belt 2 times in his life. Both times I hit the breaking point with him and reason no longer figured into the equation. Sometimes corperal punishment is needed and if they want to call the cops when im done ill dial the number for them and they can go live in a foster home.

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  17. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by submarinepainter View Post
    I honestly believe most parents do the best they can most of us are young and have no life experience when we start having kids , but to beat a kids silly is beyond what I could ever wrap my head around

    It is very easy for an adult to accidentally kill a child by shaking them or unintentionally pushing them into something or hitting their heads. Probably most of the people who do kill their kids never meant for that to happen.
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  18. #12
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    Ok...I am not going to say much but the only thing I can easy note are these simple facts...

    Every time the father and mother left...her crying had stopped until they came back in.

    She knew about the video but right in front of it...she was not doing as asked making everything worse ON her self.

    At the end of the video she gets up and walks over to the cam and turned it off....she did not seem like a kid who just got "beat" I know when I was "beat" I would not be getting up any time soon and would be crying the whole time.

    She i think...made a "show" to "get back".

    P.s yes my mother and father both spanked me when I did something wrong and I would do the same to my child if they do something wrong...a beating/spanking now can save them from going down a wrong road.
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  19. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    Grandma had a way with Hot Wheels tracks that got my attention.
    OMFG! I grew up in total willow trees didn't grow near, let alone other bushes with switches. Hot wheels tracks were the whoopin' of choice in my younger years. I once realized that I was going to get it, so I cut up my hot wheels track into 1" pieces on my mothers bed. I still got it, but at least it wasn't with one of my toys! LOL. How bad is it when you get it with something you unwrapped for Christmas? Kids these days! And here I thought I was the only one with that "hot wheels" story! It's a small world.....and somewhere KZ, we're like blood. LMAO!

  20. #14
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    I was very fortunate to have kids who never required corporal punishment, just the threat has always been enough. typical lazy teenagers , yes they are , but straight as a string . except for a little pot now and then :0 and, they do what I ask, and they listen to what I say. even at 70 I still have them bluffed thank God. and Kyle is 6' 2" at 18.

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  22. #15
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    Since we're relating personal experiences - I would have gladly taken the willow switch - mine was a 2x4 over the head. That was after I was made to stand in a hog water tank full and put my head under water. Then hit with the 2x4 when i came up for air. Yes - blood ran and I still have a ridge on top of my head. Got hit with something you got for Christmas? I'd have liked to just GET something for Christmas. The point is - it's all relative. This guy still went beyond what can be considered discipline. It's comparable to police brutality - abuse of power (parental authority). He was out of control. If she had brought it out a few years earlier, there would most definitely been criminal charges.

    (you may think bs, but I assure you it isn't. I've written my life story for my family)

  23. #16
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    Ive always kind of wondered about you seriously, sry to hear that. my dad used his hands and later his fist untill I was 14, and put a stop to that crap. I was 5 min late, he decided he was going to give me an A kicking, that was the last time he tried. I know about 2x4s my shop teacher in school once broke one across my back. still have the scar. later that year. while we were all at a school dance some friends of mind completely dismanteled his car and left it in a pile i the teachers parking lot behind the school.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 02-12-2012 at 06:41 PM.

  24. #17
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Ok personaly story. When I was about 11 years old my friends and I were playing in my bedroom a game we called mattress football. We didnt have beds just mattresses that layed on the floor. Yeah I grew up in the ghetto. I think it made me the stronger person I am today. Anyway back to my story. We played matress football and we were making a ton of noise. My father yells from the living room for us to quite down. Father is 6 foot 2 and was never under 400 lbs that I can remember. Well being the brats we were we didnt quite down and he kept yelling at us to do so. Well about 10 minutes later he comes bashing threw the door and backhands me across the face. Now I was standing right beside the matress and I flew off my feet and landed inside my closit. I forgot to mention the closit door was closed. Needless to say my father broke my nose from the smack. I think from the time I was 7 till about 12 I got a spanking of some sort about once a month at least. To this day I love my parents to death. I talk to both of them on the phone at least 3 to 4 times a week as im walking my route. I am glad for the disciplin they gave to me. It made me the person I am today.

  25. #18
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    different strokes for different folks so to speak.(pun intended) sry pts just could pass that one up.

  26. #19
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    I think she got it pretty easy when i screwed up my dad beat me bloody with his fists.Was it extreme possibly was it good for me most definatly.

  27. #20
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    I cann"t understand why videos of this kind of thing is even posted on a scrap metal forum. It has nothing to do with scrap metal. And why is everybody talking about child abuse and unruly children. Just wondering.

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