yup the economy is turning around our pres and congress is doing a great job. we are all saved. oh waite.........5 noobs just today looking for a way to make a living. and thats just the ones who posted.
yup the economy is turning around our pres and congress is doing a great job. we are all saved. oh waite.........5 noobs just today looking for a way to make a living. and thats just the ones who posted.
ahhahahahahhah having a good night olddude?
Prittysoon we'll have 300,000,000 peole scrapping, everybody eles will be working at the scrap yards.
im coming to america maybe after i leave school, and i might meet up with PTS and Dumpster Dee!
Australian born and raised, Guitar player and TV Collector
Here ya go kid.
When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
no taxes, no debt, women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Old Cherokee saying
I did not surrender, they took my horse and made him surrender. - Lone Watie
Hey I resent that comment. I work at a scrap yard but of course I am a contractor not day labor. Work for 9 to 12 an hour no thanks. I do love newbies though there full of piss and vinegar wait till they find out its hard work and there is no money tree.
Obummer said last week he couldn't wait till he could buy a Chevy Volt...He'd better hurry they announced today they are suspending production due to lack of sales.
Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
Certified Zip-Tie Mechanic
"Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."
If it makes any of you guys feel better I'm not going to go into this as a carreer! I like the job that i have so i think that i'll keep it. Trust and believe that it was a great excuse to take things apart though. I figure that i should leave it to the professionals.
any time you want,we would be honored to have you in the family.
any time you want,we would be honored to have you in the family. we don't object to new scrappers, it is a free country, (well sort of) though it is getting a little crowded, what we object to is the reasions and necessity that so many are having to turn to scrapping to feed their familys.
Well said Mike.
Julie you are a natural born ewaste scrapper! I am very impressed how you came to learn and did just that in a very short period of time.
Those kids are lucky to have you!
Funny Kz I guess the failed solar project was not enough for us to shoulder.
Scrapping is misleading - as a concept, it appears simple & easy. As a reality it takes hard work, dedication, knowledge/intelligence, & genuine desire/enjoyment for what you do and/or a relentlessly curious personality. I wonder what the "drop out" percentage is when people find out it isn't is as easy as they thought.
Last edited by Julie; 03-05-2012 at 10:58 PM. Reason: possible misunderstanding
Good I'll put you to work scrapping all my darn tv's I've got laying around everywhere.im coming to america maybe after i leave school, and i might meet up with PTS and Dumpster Dee!
What did you do, cut the tree down for firewood???wait till they find out its hard work and there is no money tree.
Yea, our great big dysfunctional family,,any time you want,we would be honored to have you in the family.
P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.
The dropout percentage is huge. I have been doing it since I was a pup. Apparently I was half the size that I am now from what I have been told. I can't even remember that is how long I have been scrapping for. I have seen so many come and go that I don't even think about it anymore. Anyone can haul in sheet iron and shredd but how many people on this website would be able to disassemble and cut a up a million pound plus stamping press or assembly line. There is a reason they call you peddlers and I am an industrial scrapper who gets industrial prices. Sorry if I am ranting I am not in a good mood this morning seems all there is newbie posts.
Mr Dew I thought people with torch skills fabricated things, all others are just laborers.
If I was to get a job at a yard I would opt for the air conditioned office job, not standing out in the dusty dirty yard cutting stuff up day in and day out.
Last edited by injunjoe; 03-07-2012 at 06:15 AM.
Pistone...It seems you were brought up in the biz and take for granted that having someone show you the ropes contributed to the success you have today. With the work ethic you have I'm sure you would have success in whatever you do but step back for a moment, take a bite of humble pie and picture yourself making a living doing something else without the guidance of someone till you got it right.
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