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  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    feeling pretty good tonight so here goes :)

    there are always posts from noobs (my term) here describing how rude some of us are.
    let me try to put a face on that, first of all any one who is involved in other forums like this, know we are sweet harts compared to most others, like gold recovery forum, or Road food. I am a member of both, now if you dont believe that go to the gold forum and ask how to recover gold from computer parts. or to road food and ask how to start a hot dog stand and see what happens.

    we dont mind answering questions, but we do mind being taken advantage of. and the verification is there, just go to the home page scroll down to the right bottom corner all of those names you see in the most thanked collumn, are the very people you complain about.

    the reasion for that is simple, most of us can tell by the questions you ask, wether you are searious or not, and don't want to waste valuable time and very valuable information on those who arn't, or , those who will put them selves or others in danger.

    most of us, except for the buyers, have seen declining incomes because of the number of people turning to scrap as a necessity. we understant that. for those people we will still be here scrapping long after the economy comes back, if it does, and you go back to work at Home depot walmart or where ever.

    I personaly don't blame you, this is the society we have today, raised in the time of no score, every one gets a trophy little league. This is the real world and every one does not get a trophy. you have to earn them. and you start by attempting to educate your self a little there will be little spoon feeding here so dont expect it. at leas not untill you learn enough to NOT ask questions like, where do I find metal etc.

    just since I have come back from the hospital there were 3 threads about converters.

    3 about what is this worth ( we dont know we dont deal with your yards or even in your part of the country for the most pat.) #1 bare copper is $2.48 here 60 miles up the road it is $3.48 so how would we know what it is worth where you are. What that does tell us is that you are not searious enough to do a little home work on your own.

    just know this scrapping is not easy money unless you are just looking for a little beer or pot money, and that is not what we do here. at least most of us, we are doing this because we love it. so please don't disrespect that. just stop and think about the question you are going to ask, then use a little common sence and ask away you may be plesently surprised. just my .02
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 03-13-2012 at 08:38 PM.

  2. #2
    ilovejunk's Avatar
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    Great to have you active on the forums again old dude, unfortunately the common sense factor has NOT gotten any better while you were gone, but good to see you back in good spirits.

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  4. #3
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    Welcome back olddude. My favorite while you were gone is the question of "how do I get the oil out of a riding mower".

    Well naturally you take it to Jiffy Lube.

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  6. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdahoScrapper View Post
    Welcome back olddude. My favorite while you were gone is the question of "how do I get the oil out of a riding mower".
    Well naturally you take it to Jiffy Lube.
    I thought you could just "Shout it out"
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  8. #5
    Julie's Avatar
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    Well said olddude, good to see a nice long post from you!

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  10. #6
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Welcome back olddude...As said before most of us can sniff out a bum from a mile away. It has been suggested that instead of responding the way we do that we should say nothing. If nobody said anything then the poster may get zero help, or we could give them a quick reality check and they might find out that's all they needed was a motivational kick in the butt to get the wheels turning then mission accomplished. Lazy folks are not going to help this forum so they may as well be weeded out before the cancer spreads.

    Here lately if you go 12 hrs without checking in there are 2-3 pages to scan with many of the posts being BS so I have been a bit lazy myself and ignoring the BS hoping it will go away...not sure it's working.
    Last edited by KzScrapper; 03-14-2012 at 04:01 AM.
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  12. #7
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    When i first joined this forum i was a ewaste noob (not that im a veteran now but i know the basics). I got on and read a few post that were from other noobs and they were asked to intro themselves and to do a little research. Sometimes they where asked nicely and sometimes not so nicely. After reading the forum for a couple of hours i decided that i loved it and wanted join. So instead of hopping on and immediately asking one of my many dumba** newb questions i went and introduced myself. I did reach out to mechanic who was one of the first to respond to my intro and he politely helped me and directed me to pts's sticky. I put in several more hours of reading before i asked my question. The point im trying to make is that the people who truely want to part of this community will do as all of you have asked and put the time in reading on there own and those who just want to hop on and get a quick answers deserve to get ripped. just my $.02.

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  14. #8
    Curbside shopper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdahoScrapper View Post
    Welcome back olddude. My favorite while you were gone is the question of "how do I get the oil out of a riding mower".

    Well naturally you take it to Jiffy Lube.
    Now even this blonde knows that you take off the filler cap and tip it upside down.

    Glad you're feeling better olddude.

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  16. #9
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    I could write an explanation of my thoughts on the subject and point to other forums where new members are welcomed and their questions (no matter how repetitive) are encouraged. I fear that all I would get is a dose of flame and/or an invite to use the search function. ;-)

    FWIW it is human nature that we don't know what we don't know.

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  18. #10
    TrashPickingAusKid2's Avatar
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    glad your back olddude, did u watch tv when u came home?
    Australian born and raised, Guitar player and TV Collector

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  20. #11
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    I've been a member for a few months now and now I feel like I finally want to chime in on this subject. First of all, I'm more of reader on here than a writer. I've only written 20 something posts but I've read ALOT. I like scrolling down the list of new posts, seeing a question that I've been thinking about and clicking on it to find the answer. What I don't like is seeing a question on here, clicking on it and seeing 10 responses about how this NOOB should go to the intro section first or someone telling them to try using the search box. If you don't like the question, don't say anything. You don't have to participate in every thread. Don't waste your time writing a response. Use the silent treatment to weed the NOOBs out.

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  22. #12
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    Reminds me of a quote I saw awhile back.

    "Apparently the price of a clue must have skyrocketed...I know this because there are way too many people walking around who are doing without."

  23. The Following 3 Users say Thank You for This Post by IdahoScrapper:

  24. #13
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    yup. For 70 years we said nothing about the government or its politicians. "some times it can all be said in one sentence."
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

  25. #14
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Ya know I'm far from normal and I definitely spent hours reading before introducing and sharing with the class . I understand why the vets get upset at the new guys . I have seen tons of one hit wonder posts in the archives . we all started somewhere and now I'm going to ask the question I have been afraid to ask for months.

    Who is Kris Kringle ? And what of this skippy fellow ? Were they just always guests ? Idk see them mentioned a lot in the archives .

    I will also admit . I was a lil scared when I asked my first and only question . But I posted pictures and with the help of the forum I now know a good deal from a bad deal . I really appreciate this forum and it's members . It has changed the way I view the world .
    Including you old dude ! Thanks . I feel like family now !

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  27. #15
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    Glad to see you back again!
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