Idea I got off a different forum:
Anyway, You Might Be A Scrapper If: (YMBASI):
-Your landlord confuses you with a "hoarder" (but you're not because everything is for sale/changing constantly)
-You can tell fairly close exactly how much weight is in your truck based on the level of the hood driving, and the position of the wheels under the bed.
-You see a muffler on the road and your buddy is driving and you tell him to "stop, pull-over"
-You enter a shopping center and drive around back first.
-Your neighbors drop metal into your truck bed while your sleeping.
-People ask you what you do? and you have to think a moment or say "handyman"
-You worry about parking your truck in front on trash day because the trash men might get angry you take all their good stuff (I know the hours, and avoid parking then)
I have a bunch more but my head is blank right now...