After reading about some positive results coming from using Freecycle, I recently decided to give it a try, and went to post an ad in the local group. There was no immediate response to the ad i'd submitted, in fact, the second day I wrote the moderator asking if the ad would be ok to post there, seeing as how "free pickup of electrical items to recycle" is "free", but presumes a certain amount of monetary return. I'd already ran one very similar ad on the TX side and they posted it there. Anyways, the moderator got back to me, apologizing for the delayed response, explaining that she'd moved from the area a year ago, but was still moderating it, and saying she needed some help with it, my reply, while only hoping to have the ad posted, and "act" like a nice fella, i replied, "i'll be glad to help with it, how?" "Uhmm, we need a new local moderator". My first thought was "yabba dabba doo! my own message board!", but caught myself real quick and thought nope, i'd better stay off that side of the board, but didn't hear back until later that evening in another email, where she said "i've set you up as moderator, it's real easy, no more than two or 3 posts a week", and later explained in detail the control panel. Kinda like walking into the local paper, asking to place an ad, and as they're saying sure, it's all right over there, and tossing you the keys as they take off out the door! Anyway I'm still thinking, "i really shouldn't, conflict of interest etc", but, so far it's been ok, an ad wanting planters, approved, wanted hay for archery range, sure! ( I think she's still approving new memberships, but really haven't heard from her in a couple of weeks)
Anyhows, today i got tested real good, incoming ad for some free computers, monitors, and box of assorted boards, "must take all!", and i'm thinking, do i post this or simply reply? Well, I did both, although not necessarily in that order ; ), just to be fair, and let them decide who they wanted to call in case of multiple responses, still, it did bring the question to mind once again, windfall?, or conflict of interest?
They called me after a couple of hours, and i went over and picked it up. It's still in the truck tho, haven't really looked at it yet. They piled in some old DVD and VCRs after we talked on the phone and i'd said any electronic stuff

We talked a bit while loading and afterwards, i kind of explained this to them a bit, and said i'd be happy to delete the ad, and they were happy with that (clean getaway? lol)
Another bonus was coming back, saw a used store with an old washer and dryer sitting out back by the RR tracks, and stopped to ask about those. They used them for parts, but gave me the rain soaked box of computer stuff sitting out the side door i'd came in through, that i'd also asked about, one desktop computer box with a 486 medallion on the front, and some pieces of printers