APPLE 2 E why i remember idk but yes
Printable View
APPLE 2 E why i remember idk but yes
Kaypro II :)
Timex 2068 (still have it), C64 was #2
26 and grew up with some old windows computer i used to play wolf and doom. i remember when my cousins lan'd up some computers and played doom together i was like "woaaaahhhh"
packard bell 486 lol
I had a IBM AT thought we were the class of the world :D
Basis 108 Apple II clone. Spent $3,000 and had to drive several hours to Miami to pick it up.
No, I started out with a VIC-20 too. Had an expansion board on the back that would allow you to install more than one cartridge at a time; had a 3KB(!) RAM extension card, and a couple of other cards plugged in all the time. Had the 300baud modem, which I used to connect with a buddy at school; we used to type back and forth to each other on the phone!
Used the cassette drive, and wrote a LOT of programs on that thing. Made my own games for it, etc., because my mom and dad wouldn't buy me any.
I worked for an entire summer to scrape up the $200 for my next machine, a Commodore 64. Got the 1541 hard drive for it, thought I had the world by the tail!
I have a Vic 20, nice old school computer, I'm getting a Commodore 64 soon, and I have saved a 128 as well, cannot wait to build up my C= collection :)
Commodore 64, without a tape drive, too poor to get that you all remember typing the code for that ping pong game, hehe?
Commodore Vic 20 was rocking the house..
TI-99. I remember reading the TI book and spending hours typing BASIC code to make a block figure dance across the screen for about three seconds. I think it was called Mr. Bojangles. Good stuff!
My first old machine? Vic 20, first computer I used? A windows XP dell
Update: cleaned my Vic and it looks awesome now!
Ps3 for parents had a packard bell growing up...still wondering what they did w it..they say it around somewhere
my first computer was an Apple IIe. The first computer that I bought for myself was an IBM Clone 386
Funny because i just picked up one of these the other day off eBay for $250, heres a wonderful picture of it <3
Powermac 1996. had to upgrade the HDD to a whopping 2.1 GB.
on a better note, it convinced me to buy apple stock back in 1996. that was a good idea ;)
^LOL I think that computers today have no soul, Hence why i have a old Commodore 64 on my desk!
I don't even remember, I just know that it had some 'hpg' program which was like a primitive version of Paint!