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    Mechanic688 started this thread.
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    Warsaw , Ind. In the heart of the lakes, and down the street from the hotel where Al Capone stayed.
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    LED lights (or bulbs) for computers, under dash,

    These are LED bulbs that have a resistor and wire added to them where they will accept from 9 v to 13 v. I have used them as meter lights in CB radios, interior lights inside a computer (if you have a see thru side case), and backlighting under dash, or warning lights for light switches and other things.
    They will last over 10,000 hours and they are cool to the touch, and take almost no amperage to run them. I used to install them in CB radio meters when the factory bulb burned out, and I only had one ever come back defective. These are a 5mm bulb with a limiting resistor and 4" -6" wire added. I also have the LED holders to be mounted in a flat surface or in a dash panel.

    White-Other Color LED Meter Light, 5 MM for CB - Ham Radio's -or back lighting. Different colors are Orange, Amber, Red, Pine Green, Sea Green, Purple, Sunset Orange, Yellow, $3.69 ea.

    I also have Blue LED's, 3 Color alternating (blue-red-green) and a 7 color LED, (it alternates thru 3 or 4 main colors and combines colors to make different ones). $3.89 ea.

    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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