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My first ebay complaint ..:(

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  1. #7
    Bear is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    some of those tunes you just got to play by ear. I guess 4 of my longest ebay adventures were in dealing with the unknown. One I returned a sizable amount of money, and wondered why did I even offer to do that. Another was a package claimed lost in Italy which I played out a bit, and the package suddenly emerged. Another was a large peripheral company who's buyer was trying to pull a fast one, which I quenched with some study of the company, and one well timed "right between the eyes" email. The 4th, the only neg I ever received, was actually a seller, who charged an awful amount of shipping for 2 CDs. I negged it, knowing full well he would throw me one also. If I had stayed up with it I could have had that removed, as he soon was barred(which was a near guaranteed neg removal) but I let the 45 day limit pass before checking it out again

    Last edited by Bear; 07-19-2013 at 11:20 AM.

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