Originally Posted by
Never EVER ship for free...I noticed a while back
ebay was clipping shipping costs into final value fees...nope, never again...
not gonna get charged three times for the same thing. (shipping, FVF and paypal)
3 different charges
PayPal's 2.9% is to cover the money transfer >> If you think it is too high, use someone else >> No rule you have to use PayPal
FVF >> That is eBay's fee >> about 10% of the total price
Shipping cost >> that is what the carrier charges >> USPS, UPS and FedEx being the 3 I use >> Cost based on weight, Package size if greater then a cubic foot and distance package needs to travel
My Buyers pay ALL those charges >> So I don't care how high they go >> If the Buyer wants the item they are willing to pay the price
Almost everything I sell has FREE shipping
I make more money that way
People buy several items at one time >> I put all in one package and the savings in shipping costs is additional profit since I have FREE shipping
My built in shipping covers zone 8 >> So when someone closer then that makes the purchase >> Cha Ching >> More profit in my pocket
I love FREE shipping!