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Ebay Reuse Items

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  1. #1
    K9Tech started this thread.
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    Ebay Reuse Items

    Hello, I am the owner of K9 Tech located in Appleton, WI. We like to sell the items we receive at our recycling facility that have a reuse market. This can include almost any item that we all receive. We also are working with other recyclers who do not have the time or knowledge or just don't want to deal with the eBay side of things. We offer a 50/50 payout for items they give us after fees are paid. This allows them to just focus on the scrap portion of things while we deal with the eBay and selling of the items. The payout is much higher than scrap value for the items received. If anyone is possibly interested let me know and we can talk more about our services, Thank you!

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