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  1. #1
    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    Found Out Something Interesting

    So I pick up some silver plate for less than scrap brass price. Lots of it out there at garage sales and I pick it up when I can. Many times, the piece looks interesting and I wind up listing it on e-Bay. Most of the time it is heavily tarnished and I don't bother trying to clean it, but I think I may have found an easy way. I am not sure if I get dirty brass price for silver plate with a zinc handles and pieces, but I thought for $hits and giggles I would melt the zinc pieces off with a torch. Well, this was the result... It looks like the blue flame torch cooked all of the oxidation tarnish off the plate. Might give it a try on something I need cleaned.

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    Last edited by t00nces2; 02-15-2018 at 05:31 PM.

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