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  1. #1
    Lazen started this thread.
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Jun 2018
    Thanked 9 Times in 7 Posts

    I dot find E Bay a good medium to offer scrap

    Computer e waste I offered did not get bids.
    Posting a 25kg boiler through the mails is just kinda expensive.
    Offering a collect it service may be better but you run the risk of
    unsavoury characters turning up

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

    Member since
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    Jacksonville, NC
    Thanked 5,845 Times in 2,707 Posts
    Major changes to the scrap business have taken out many of the "want to bee's". I suggest you look locally for buyers. By local I mean within your country or a nearby country. Save up enough material and package it to the specs required by your buyer.

    As an example I have always been a very small ewaste scraper. I learned to save up material and to separate it into like material making easier for my buyer to weigh and pay me. A pallet of material ships for far below what it costs to ship a 75 lb box per pound .

    I don't know which country you live in but searching for a big buyer is the very best answer meanwhile save up the ewaste.

    73, Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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