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My E-bay Test. With scrap RAM for under $1 - Page 2

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  1. #21
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    If I win I will mail them to billygoat!

  2. #22
    sledge's Avatar
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    "You've Goat Mail"
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

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  4. #23
    CapitalRecovery started this thread.
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    If anyone here wins I accept PayPal.
    With that being said I hope someone on here does win because I would like to ask them questions like:
    How fast did you receive your package from the shipping date, How was my item packaged, and Did you feel my email after you won was personable and would you consider it good customer service?
    So far I have 147 views, does anyone have any ideas how to convert those views into bids?
    Thanks for looking bidding.
    P.s. This isn't Shilling because I expect everyone to pay, plus no one is going to shill for 8 bids... Now 10 bids, Hmmmm.

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  6. #24
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    I doubt it will go much higher

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  8. #25
    sledge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    I doubt it will go much higher
    I've started to watch certain auctions for sport. I'm betting he will get more bids.. some mooron is going to pay $10, tack on the $6.50 and someone is going to end up paying $16.50 and lose $.
    They are on the "hold and pray" method.. hoping and praying gold will RIIIISE like the ocean tide!

  9. #26
    CapitalRecovery started this thread.
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    I think my next auction will do something like this:
    .99 start for 1 lbs RAM, if there is 15 bids on this auction I will throw in 200 Grams on gold pins from the connection to the power supply on mother boards (where the power supply and the Laptops connect.) Maybe something like that will raise the bids. Do pictures with the bonus too. I don't know. If I do post an auction be sure I will be posting it here.

  10. #27
    sledge's Avatar
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    My humble opinion:
    Save up a few pounds. this 1lb at a time game will take you forever to feel like it is worth the trouble.

    Here is an auction as proof for ya: 4lbs of Ram- the Break even if you were to be able to hand deliver to Mario is: $59 bucks. He already has $61 and "it ain't over" People are dumb as a box of hammers!
    Put it on your watch list. I see someone paying $16-$17/lb.
    4 LB DDR2 ECC Server Computer PC Memory RAM DIMM For Scrap Gold Recovery Recover | eBay

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  12. #28
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    Keep in mind shipping, eBay fees, PayPal fees, the chance of the buyer screwing you, etc. ship it to Mario and move on with your life. Spend time elsewhere finding scrap. That's how you are going to make your money

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  14. #29
    sledge's Avatar
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    Hate to say it CapitalRecovery: but you got shanked on this one. Even though the buyer is footing the bill You will "bank" approx $5.39 vs the $14.75 (minus shipping costs) if sent to Ohio.
    Hope you can do some "save up" and try again- hopefully with some better results.
    This kinda stinks for ya!

    Just to be clear- this isn't a slam or a "ha ha" Because every member here- we want them to succeed. We all want each other to do well and profit as much as they are able.

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  16. #30
    CapitalRecovery started this thread.
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    LOL I only made $5.39 or so. I have to mark it up as a lesson, it was a test. Maybe my next test would be 1 lbs RAM and if I get 15 bids add something extra. This 1 lbs. that I sold was part of the computer store I picked up, when they wanted to start trying to recycle it themselves and gave up.So basically, I just went in loaded my truck and the owner said "Hey take this too, I don't have room for this stuff in my shop." I want to thank everyone who bid and commented on this test. I definitely will work on my photos.

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  18. #31
    sledge's Avatar
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    With Shipping. Someone just paid $16.75/lb for this RAM:
    7 LB Of Computer Memory For Scrap Gold Memory GOLD RECOVERY | eBay

    SMH.. Beyond my wisdom!

  19. #32
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CapitalRecovery View Post
    LOL I only made $5.39 or so. I have to mark it up as a lesson, it was a test. Maybe my next test would be 1 lbs RAM and if I get 15 bids add something extra. This 1 lbs. that I sold was part of the computer store I picked up, when they wanted to start trying to recycle it themselves and gave up.So basically, I just went in loaded my truck and the owner said "Hey take this too, I don't have room for this stuff in my shop." I want to thank everyone who bid and commented on this test. I definitely will work on my photos.
    Looking forward to receiving my package. Let me know if you put another lot up.

  20. #33
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    With Shipping. Someone just paid $16.75/lb for this RAM:
    7 LB Of Computer Memory For Scrap Gold Memory GOLD RECOVERY | eBay

    SMH.. Beyond my wisdom!
    This one is a little funny. They just relisted it, assuming it is a different lot, but they use the exact same photo. Didn't see anything saying that the photo was not representative. What I saw in the photo: At least 1 stick of RAMBUS, which would lower the value. Couple of 1 gb sticks and possibly at least 1 2 gb stick. Knowing that there is at least 1 stick of Rambus, I would be hesitant to even bid. Even knowing that there are 1gb and 2 gb sticks, I couldn't go above scrap value because you never know if they have been tested.

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