Open half day on the 4th Glad I was
My wife and I decided to open for a half day today. Which was almost a waste of time. However I recieved a phone call. Guy said he had 12 towers to sell. Made arangments an he stopped by an hour later. As I am sorting the towers he is acting nervouse. I pay him and he leaves. I have his coppied id an start checking serial numbers with the police. All of them had been stolen from a local computer shop. I know the owner due to I buy all his scrap boards and such. The police show up and take the towers. ''Which kinda hurt really nice units.'' Not half hour later Jason calls me thanking me. I told him it was no problem just stayin legit. Well maybe another 45 mins later he knocks on my door. Handing me a 100 bill. Surprised I ask him whats this for. He informed me that the owner of one of them towers sent it to me for being an honest man.
Come to find out that she had ALL her information about her job and such on her computer. She was very greatful. I work with the local police to ensure that if I do recieve stolen computers they get back to their rightfull owners. Also helps me sleep at night. As a buisness owner I am required by law to do so but to me its worth it.
I recon the thief thought since I am a recycler that I would just break them down and go on. Guess next time he will know better when he gets out of jail and has to rethink things.
Wonder if he will see any fireworks from his window in the pokey. HAPPY 4th yaw.....