If you read the post "do you consider this stealing ?" your probadly as mad as me, wish I knew the number to that guys yard and the cops in his county. Bad enough to hear all the bad press on TV, in papers, and now this
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If you read the post "do you consider this stealing ?" your probadly as mad as me, wish I knew the number to that guys yard and the cops in his county. Bad enough to hear all the bad press on TV, in papers, and now this
I couldn't agree with you more. I have personally been the victim of that type that thinks that if machinery is sitting out back that it is fair game. I'll help anyone that comes along, but I have no use for a thief.
i know i think its starting to get a little ridiculous here with the "is this right to take" threads,
like my grandpa used to tell me "if you have to ask whether its right or wrong to take something, assume its wrong until your told otherwise"
it seems that the all encompassing moral deterioration of america has taken over EVERY sector of this country, i am ashamed of most people my age and unfortunately just as ashamed of most people i meet at the scrap yard, it is sad and it should not be this way, as i have seen many here on the forums and a few locals that show there are good honest people out there but unfortunately they are much rarer than they should be.
I think a lot of his problem isn't dishonesty, stupidity maybe, just not total dishonesty (else why would he have asked such a thing on an open forum?). I think rather it's mostly "bad company", including his business partner and his brother, who it seems he followed, and listened to, AND helped, in mostly ignorance. Hopefully he will find better company in the very near future
In the original thread corycouch posted "smfh". Any help on what this means?
actually i don't believe this thread should be here. It is someone's continuance of a thread previously closed by Admin, in disregard to the rules about derogatorily discussing other people.
Ignorance is not an excuse IMHO.
He just destroyed a piece of history that can never be replaced. Many including myself love to see things like this.
Now do you really think that the individual that is in charge of the property does not know that piece of equipent was there? Yea right. Next time he makes his runds of the property don't you think he is going to notice that it has been freshly cut. Do you think he is going to call the local law? How any scrap yards are in his area that he could take this metal to? Process of elimination.. How well will you sleep at night now?
After the thousands of dollars of stuff I have had dissapear I despise a thief..... .!.
I'll sleep just fine thank you :) I didn't steal it! I've been on both sides of that cloud, been in bad company, been robbed. I know full well about the historic pieces, and have many of my own, or my Dad's, or his Dad's, which have sat here over 50 years. The 34 stationary hay baler they hardly touched, or the horse drawn rake, but the 36 JD B model lost it's PTO and magneto, and the 47 farmall its magneto, still, as long as they're sitting here, and I'm in between them and the scrapyard, they can set here another 50 years before they'll go for scrap. (too bad, too many other things got taken in our absence) I'm just saying this thread is against forum rules in derogatorily discussing anyone
You and your friends were trespassing and stealing regardless if large company or a single person owned the property. Consider yourself lucky and please do not do it again. What you did give everyone in this line or work / hobby a black eye.
Maybe you should spend more time at Church to learn right from wrong!!!
Just my .02 cents
I believe if any thread should be deleted and its member banned it should be joes, trying to justify being theif because whoever owned the stuff was rich or whatever, which I think is a bogus story anyhow. I got mad respect for ya bear, don't get me wrong. But this is exactly the kind message we don't need to send to the world bout our industry or our members
Sorry I need to vent
A while back there was a post on this forum called What really pisses you off
Well Sir. you and your actions really piss me off
Ok I feel better
Admin addressed that quite well Tater, and closed the thread
How is Bear the bad guy here??? Just wondering
I'm not saying the admin didn't take care of it, I think they dealt with it swiftly and justly. Didn't post as a bash to joes per say, more over my reaction to a post that deeply disturbs me. No hard feelings bear. Next time your north of I-70 ill buy you a beer
Well, I clearly missed that one! lol
In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity.
Hunter S. Thompson
I looked up the OP's facebook page. More questionable/illegal behavior going on. It really doesn't surprise me why so many look down on scrappers/recyclers.
No idea if there are plans to remove the original thread, but I'd like to see it stay so that newbies might stumble across it and see that we do not condone, appreciate or tolerate thievery.
Joes dastardly deeds - Well thats crappy. Karma is a ***** a very mean one when you piss her off, and you my friend had better be looking over your shoulder for her.
Far as what SMFH means..in my world when it's used it generally means "So much eff'ing hate' also popular is SMH..So much hate. You tend to find it used in this meaning on forums such as ours when there is drama/flaming going on. I could be wrong but when I see it that's how it's usually being used. I must say though, this forum is one of the very few I frequent that doesn't have tons of drama and flaming going on.
I know return you to the topic at hand. :)
Sirscrapalot - Dislikes thief's, dislikes people who destroy history, and abbreviations!
Not everything is Black or White!!!
Now before I go to far with this, let it be known that I am not sticking up for Joe directly. There have been many threads on this forum dealing with questionable tactics on scrap removal. Like the one about taking a nuke located near a “clearly marked” Clothes & Shoes drop off box.
Not everything or place is clearly a yes or no “grab it”. There are many “shades of gray” in this business. In Joes case it’s very unclear by his post. The land where the scrap was located could very well have been abandon by “said corp” and is generally used by the public as if were public land for things like Biking, hiking, hunting, parties, etc, etc and is ignored by local law enforcement and even more so the property owner.
What I’m trying to say here is there are MANY shades of gray and the posters on this forum are not judge and jury on a vague and somewhat moronic post.