An extension cord can go a long way
An extension cord can go a long way, especially for a scrapper and here's why.
Pretty much any APPLIANCE with a cord on it, can sell on Craigslist for far more than scrap value, fairly quickly.
Any of the following items can sell as is within a week or so
Air conditioners
TVs can sell if they're not the big old bulky ones
and more just use common sense
Have an extension cord at your shop, or your back yard ready to go. It only takes a minute to see if it works or not.
The more items that you find that you can sell quickly, the more money you make as a scrapper. Just because you're a 'scrapper' doesn't mean everything should go to the scrap yard.
Here and there give it a shot, see what's worth it and what's not. Next thing you know each trailer load you pick up might earn you several hundred, as opposed to just a hundred or two.
Selling to a scrap yard will ALWAYS pay out the lowest monetary value of any item. Selling to a PERSON who will use the item will ALWAYS pay more.