Old 286 desktop breakdown
I got a nice load of old towers just a few weeks ago. 27 in total, 2-3 286, 2-3 386, 5 486, a few old pentiums, a few 8088's, and a few newer ones. Paid $70 for the 27 towers, I think I did really well! Strictly scrap only, as all the stuff was nasty looking and the cases were rusty.
The first one I broke down was an old AST 286 desktop, this is what I got out of it:
Power supply 6.4 lbs @ 0.30 = $1.92
Hard drive 3.8 lbs @ 0.90 = $3.42
Disk drives 4.2 lbs @ 0.13 = $0.55
Mother boards and finger cards 4 lbs @ 4.00 = $16.00
Wire 0.2 lbs @ 0.50 = $0.10
Steel case 20 lbs @ 0.09 = $1.80
Total scrap value = $23.79
This is the first time I had such an old load, the oldest towers I had before were a few 486's and pentiums here and there.
I didn't record the weights exactly on the other towers, but some scrapped out at nearly $30 a piece!