New Kid on the Block
Baby Jax J was born on 7/30/2012 in fridley mn...9 lbs 6 oz..such a special little guy..i really have no care in the world if he wants to be a scrapper, doctor, or a teacher..no matter what i will be very proud of him..i will remember this forever..it might help a tad if hes willing to pitch in a bit..lol
Just thought i would share with everyone..very important day for daddy n moms:cool::drozenski:
Congrats on the new arrival!
congrats on the new bundle of joy.
gratz and enjoy the no sleep for a while :)
Congrats on the little one. Take the time to enjoy and lots of photos, they grow quickly. Mike
congrats! imma tellin ya...I had seven and it goes by quick. enjoy the sleepless nights and all the attention they demand. eventually, THEY BECOME TEENS and then ya really lose sleep! LOL but if your lucky, they get there mind back in their 20s and are there when YOU need THEM! Blessings on you, mom and the baby! +++BroJer
Ive only been sleeping 5 hours for the last year..does it get worse..lol..have to cut into scrappin time..o no ill figure something out..sleep when u die..thx all..so special
Hey brojer thx 10x..my father n i had a moment today..im 24 n its pretty cool..cant beleive u had 7..OMG..i do wana have 6 though..just like my grandparents..well see how #1 goes..
Being a dad makes u strong..#300 goes to my boy..thx to everyone here on the excellent info..just struck a deal w a friends buddy for 100 puters..my first real purchase...hoping for a great score..be hiiting up the closest buyer here shortly..
Congrats on the new addition!! Sorry I'm a little late..