New guy from NC
Hey Yall.
New to the forum, New to scrapping, looking to make millions...... or a few bucks on the side any way. Very interested in E-scrapping, but keeping an open mind. Looking to glean info from others with experience and wisdom.
Thanks for having me
Welcome to the forums... What part of NC are you from? Just joined the forums, I live in Martin county.
hey thanks for the welcome. Im outside of Raleigh.
Welcome to the forum. The best go to forum for all your scrapping inquiries. Spend some good time in the electronics section. Read all the threads to start and read all the older posts. It's like the complete encyclopedia for E scrapping. And instead of going online and doing a step by step search for information, its already right here. You just need to take the time to read it. This forum has helped in doubling my E scrap income. Good luck. Oh and before I forget, for just the price you'd pay for lunch is an e scrap "how to" book offered on the forum. For new guys its a no brainer buy, that is if you're serious about making that million.
Welcome to the forum. I am also new from Greensboro/Guilford County.
Welcome Raleigh! I just joined a couple of months ago myself. Now located in the greater Houston, TX are but, my heart will always be in NC. Grew up in Henderson, about 45 minutes northeast of you. I'm Tarhell born and Tarheel bred, and, when I die, I'll be a Tarheel dead! LOL
Read the old posts, starting with the "for beginners" sections. Follow the advice from the more established members and you will be on your way to your millions(well, to a good part-time income to start with, at least)!
Again, welcome