Getting into Electronic Recycling side of business now and you all seem very helpful. Hope I can help out to here and maybe buy laptops from people. (hoping that didnt violate a rule already) :)
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Getting into Electronic Recycling side of business now and you all seem very helpful. Hope I can help out to here and maybe buy laptops from people. (hoping that didnt violate a rule already) :)
Yep! Done broke a rule already, rong side of Massachusetts! Pizza all around for a month. Welcome to SMF! :)
Like my first post i want to buy from people, like laptops and hard drives, little confused on what membership to buy. $37.00 or $20.00 dollar one? Or both? Thanks Jim
Haha thanks! Trust me im not trying to...thanks for welcome
I really haven't gone into it myself MVP, I think you need to, to advertise though. Mechanic688 might be still online, message him and ask :)
You Rang??
Here you go, maybe this will explain it.
I'm trying for my 4000th,, I think with it I get a free beer.
Hello from Maine ! I drive to New London sometimes and see the exit for Webster
Hi guys, first next time your going through get off exit 2 off 395 take a right go about 1/4 mile, MvP Technology on left stop in say hi. Or if you equipment ill can reuse id be interested.
Mechanic, i want to offer guys $$$ for equipmet like laptops and so on. In the pay section, how much is it? 20.00 or 37.00.? Wasnt sure what one.
Just do the $37 one and you can do it all :)
Welcome from Boston, we got a few Massachusetts members on here and out SMF MA scrapers are taking over