I was just told today by my local yard to start snagging all the scrap metal I can cause the first of Sept. the price of steel here is going up to around $ 400. a ton. He's cutting down all his long stuff getting ready.
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I was just told today by my local yard to start snagging all the scrap metal I can cause the first of Sept. the price of steel here is going up to around $ 400. a ton. He's cutting down all his long stuff getting ready.
Mechanic, I am pretty sure he is talking about his prices to the mill. You might see sideways or up 10 or 20 bucks. Nothing significant though. Which is good after 5 straight months of down and one month of up prices.
20.00 per 100# I'll beleave it when I see it.
Could you imagine the theives of metal........LOL
Yeap, would would have to sit up all night to gard your shred pile. You think there's a lot of scrappers now, let the price go up to 20.00 per 100#.
Wow @ $20/100lb!!! And here I thought I was doing well at $0.1025/lb for shred. My yard calls it sheet iron (shred). That would be nice, but i am doubtful that us scrappers would ever see such a price at a scrap yard. Still, dreaming never hurts ya, well not too bad at least, ha ha.
I think if he could predict the market like that, he probably would lounging on a beach somewhere sipping drinks with umbrellas. Take his advice with a grain of salt. I have heard the market will be positive in Sept, but we will likely see steel numbers get close to where they were 3 months ago.
That would be nice cause I have a nice big pile of prepared steel gaining interest as it sits.
The first is saturday . Most places here closed for the three day weekend.
Sheet iron by me was $230 a ton in May, went down to $140 in July and I just called them they said $180. $400 a ton would be crazy! I need to get that insurance check and get a new truck soon!
i move some pc case's last week at 240/t. here in Alabama