Bike Scrappers? New idea
Around me alot of people have been riding bicycles and hooking passanger trailers to them and going around and collecting scrap. obviously nothing big but small stuff such as computer towers , and vacuums and such. i approached one that rides around by me and told him if he brings me his load before he goes to the yard i can give him cash on the spot. some things he can make more on like computer towers(at the yard hell get like 3 bucks i pay 5) and some stuff i pay him about half for such as copper piping and wires and such. im thinking about talking to the other bike scrappers about the same thing. any ideas/ input ?
You could become a magnet for stolen property and maybe even thieves who sell a little bit while scouting your lot for return trips after hours. You would be a yard without a yard's security or legal protection.
Thay might steal your scrap and try to sell it back to you
Charn and happyscraper are right. I was ganna say they will come back and steal it back when you go to bed or leave home.
Thats what a gun n a few dogs r good for..security system may help as well..in all honesty not everyone will try to rip you off..i do see the point of receiving stolen property though..proceed with caution
Ron- saw last week one of those guys in hand cuffs out my way. Had a load of brand new copper in his trailer. Looked like he may have hit a new house that was being built for the copper pipes. I would steer clear unless you get to know them first...just my two cents.
as far as me being robbed - isnt gonna happen . as far as receiving stolen property i can see that happening but i also use some common sense if they have a bunch of brand new clean copper or somethign that wouldnt usually be found curbside it would set off red flags
Attention to detail can save your life
This is no different than buying computer towers from guys you meet in trucks during your rounds looking for scrap. Just cause they are on bikes it does not make them any more of a thief...