Tupelo Honey ; )
Van Morrison - Tupelo Honey - YouTube
Tuesday's Gone
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Tuesday's Gone - YouTube
Roger Miller - River In The Rain
Roger Miller - River in the Rain - YouTube
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Tupelo Honey ; )
Van Morrison - Tupelo Honey - YouTube
Tuesday's Gone
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Tuesday's Gone - YouTube
Roger Miller - River In The Rain
Roger Miller - River in the Rain - YouTube
The Band; The Weight
The band - The Weight (Take a load off Annie/Fanny) - YouTube
Someday/ Creedence
Creedence Clearwater Revival: Someday Never Comes - YouTube
Walter Brennon.....Old Rivers
Old Rivers - Walter Brennen - YouTube
Johnny Cash
Bear...are you my long lost twin? No lie, I went to bed last night listening to The Last Waltz and, in order, The Night They Drove Ole Dixie Down, Helpless, Caravan, Tura Lura Lura (sp?), The Weight. My favorite Band song is also on Youtube...look up their live version of Dont Do It....pure awesomeness
Mungo Jerry
Mungo Jerry - In The Summertime - YouTube
The Doors
The Doors: Soul Kitchen - YouTube
Zamfir - pan pipe flute
Bear if I didn't already like you the CCR, Skynyrd, and others would have me doing so.
Now thats what I like to see..some good taste in music. In honor I'm now gonna go pop in some Freebird, Curtis Lowe, Fortunate Son and just because it fits..Some rock steady via Bad Company.
Sirscrapalot - Is gonna go have a couple cold ones courtesy of the traveling cooler and listen to some tunes.
Love Shack by the B-52s. After the loving and dancing, the shack could then be a scrapping space.
Haha! Reminds myself to stay off the homebrew! Coming through a little burg a few weeks ago, after a scrap run on a hot summer friday with the windows down. The radio kicked in on "Let The Good Times Roll", which I promptly kicked up the volume to. Saw some guy coming out from under the hood of his truck as I approached a bend in the road, and half strutin across the front porch, probly headin for a brewskie
Bear! I love you! Is it wrong?
The devil makes three - Old Number 7
Fleetwood Mac - Never Going Back Again
Roger Miller was a great writer yep! I used to look down the hill at his house. I was working out of a temp place in Nashville, and some company was doing a half million dollar renovation on a major newspaper editors home. I was just out there doing clean-up, but it was really cool. It was on a hill, and out the back you could see over a whole gated community, and Roger's house was one of the closest. Next door was the largest house in TN (it had a huge fountain in front), and was told it was some Italian mafia type dude owned it. Out back was kind of woodsy, and near them was a camoflauged hunting blind set up about 5 foot off the ground, to do outback surveilance/security during garden parties I presumed.
Wow, you guys are really showing your ages. Lol. I am a metal head. Live, Loud and Fast. Gosh, just thinking about some hard hitting metal, makes my fingers itch to go outside and do some scrapping.....
Any fans of Dinosaur Jr. here? I'm a 90s guy, so hearing enough Sebadoh eventually leads to hearing and seeing some high praise for Dinosaur Jr., but it's still just noise to me. Maybe there are some better songs I haven't heard yet.
I became a fan of Lee Hazlewood and Nancy Sinatra via Lydia Lunch and Rowland S. Howard.