PCs, Printers etc... SCORE
Okay, first I'll introduce myself. I'm Matt, I've been scrapping for a little while. I've got a lot of e scrap, but haven't sold any yet. My first big haul got me hooked, 2 pickup loads of pcs. Anyway... so I got a text message from a friend of mine I haven't seen since high school (I'm 30). He said he saw a status I had posted on facebook saying I was looking for e waste to scrap. He said that his father had recently died and they are cleaning up the yard. He used to be in the Army Surplus business and was a farmer as well so they have a ton of junk. He said he was going to be looking for a way to get rid of all these electronics, for free if possible... I asked him how much he had and he said....
5 53' Semi Box trailers FULL
I'll be going there tomorrow to start, one pickup load at a time. I will take pictures. I figure if I can get a pickup load a week I'll stay busy for the next 40 years. lol