do you have what it takes ?
It is a serious question just going to say , If you really want to be a scrapper, of any kind, do the basics.
!. do you have a little common sence ? asking questions like , where can I find cars, copper metal etc, is not a good sign of common sence, before asking such a question, think about it. study the forums, then if you still need to ask that question, scrapping for a living is probably not for you.
2. Did You study the forums ?
If you have those 2 basics you can do it. most scrappers of note are also jacks/jills of all trades.
we started less then 1 year ago from 0. wed we are sending out 10,000 lbs from Nashville and 3.000 lbs from here. with this forum and a little common sence, you can do better I'm 70 years old.
If you lack the common sence partner up with some one who does,
If you lack the common knowledge, study the forums.
If you don't want to do either, then I would suggest finding something else to do with your time. just my .02