Hi from Kentucky
Just wanted to say hello i am new to the scrapping profession and learning things seems like everyday. Working on mainly e-scrap and loving it. Went yard selling with the wife the other day and picked up a bunch of electronics and cables. And I found video games the old nintendo or atari that if broken and or have no resale value have GOLD like video cards in each of the cartrages and so do the memory cards :-) lol anyway i ended putting one of the items i got yard selling on ebay and ended making my money back so all the cables and electronics were free and clear...sweetness! Plus haggling with people on the last day of there sale there willing to practically give it away.
Welcome to the forum. There is a wealth of information on here. I live in the northern part of the state. There are several people on here from the Louisville area.
Howdy from Southern Indiana. I'm about an hour north of Owensboro Kentucky. Where in the Bluegrass state are you?
Im in elizabethtown 45 min south of louisville glad to hear there are several from the area. Im sure it will help! Keep close im sure i'll have questions here in the near future.
Welcome to SMF, read all you can......Ask questions after..;-)
Welcome to SMF! I liked driving through there. Lived in Nashville and bought gov't surplus tuned towards computers from 03 to 06ish. Made several trips to Louisville and once on up to Indianapolis. Wanted to see that Lincoln Birthplace, but never really figured out where it was, or how far off the main route. I was usually driving hard to get somewhere, and coming back was usually too overloaded to try a side trip. Ohhhwell!