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Ferrite: If a magnet sticks, it can be added to shred. That's fair, right?
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Ferrite: If a magnet sticks, it can be added to shred. That's fair, right?
***facepalm*** Now I get it. Talk about slow on the uptake lol.
E-waste: How many broken computers will 'e waste before he realizes he can recycle them?
Batteries: "Better go grab the batteries gonna spend all day takin' them tiny screws out!"
Sawzall: It'll take 100 blades until Joe sawzall those I-beams into 5-foot sections. He really should buy a cutting torch.
Stainless: I don't own a stainless t-shirt, they all have grease spots.
Better to be chasing the coppers than being chased BY the coppers...
I'll submit: LEVERITE... When you see a 19" RCA television, you know it'll have a glued-on yoke and an aluminum degaussing cable, so you should LEVERITE where she sits.
Those guys have better picked up all those nails, cause if Iron over them im gonna be ticked!
That TV is made with aluminum!? You gotta be yolkin me.
I love lame scrap jokes, but some just make you scratch your lead.
Wire you just standin there get your hands on somethin
tantalum: he's gonna throw a tantalum if he misses anything on his boards
Cutter: well I would just cutter but sometimes she helps me load ovens
Burners - some residents of Colorado and Washington.
Learners - Residents of other states that want to become burners.
Degaussing cable.
When I cut myself on that tv, I covered the cut with 'degauss 'n cable' tie..
Flyback transformer.
If you don't cut the red wire connected to the suckercup on that crt. When you yank on the degaussing cable....
It will 'Flyback 'n transform yah'
I should put some antiseptic on those cuts I got from pulling out 3 tons of scrap steel today...
But who cares.... as 'I'll dine' well tonight......
Merry bismuth to you all. (Sorry about the lisp, I got a toof pulled today n the anithstetiks not worn off yet)
Tosheroon: a lump of mud and garbage with valuables concealed inside. Commonly found in street drains. Scrappers who use the term may be called toshers.
Get your refriderant recovery license and paperwork and you will get all the fridges, freezers and AC units given to you for 'free on' your doorstep.
Most of the leverite I see is on floor model TVs, which are grounded appliances (the fiberboard and other worthless weights keep them on the ground).