Paydirt: First Fundraiser / Recycling Event Scheduled
I frst came on this forum because I really love scrap. I have always made a little (sometimes ALOT) of extra money scrapping. What I learned here has really helped to step up my game. I got into recycling e-waste and saw an opportunity.
I have worked through the chain of command at a local school distric and at 9:30am est. was given the approval for the fundraiser / event! We will be placing donation bins throughout all five shools within the distrct. A mass email will be sent by the school to all the parents. Each child will take home a packet instructing the parent to send in what their child can carry. We will pick up any larger items. The fundraiser will end with a community collection event on Saturday December 8th. At this event we will accept any metal or electronic items that the community wants to dispose of properly. We have teamed up with our local yard for 30 yard roll off containers. Unlike other events I have seen we will accept appliances including A/C etc. I have a certified refrigerant recovery guy and he will be handling all of that.
We are settig up in the school Thursday and will be removing a giant storage area full of computers! Going to the printer now to get the signage made up.
I will be posting everything that goes on in this thread so stay tuned. After we see how we do I will be glad to help anyone on the forum do the same. I will have telemarketing scripts, predesigned flyers, signage, letters, promotional items and everything you need. AT NO COST. Sharing information is what this is all about. Free exchange. God Bless Capitalism.
1 great idea, 0 dollars, and an opportunity!