New to forum....
Hello All! Found this forum while browsing the web, and found a ton of useful posts. So I decided to register.
Father has owned a junk yard my whole life. Grew up scrapping stuff. Mostly tractor trailer, and all that go with it. I work as a machinist here in FL.
Was cleaning out the back room a few weeks ago and decided I needed to do something about the 4 old computers. Started researching E-Scrap.
Thanks to all the members of this sight that have made the learning process easy! From my old computers i've moved on to the stuff we've had laying
around at work. Thinks like UPS backups, printer, etc. Only major score has been a control from a machine. 6'x2'x3' stacked with goodies!
Hey MLR :) Welcome to SMF!
Welcome to the forum. What part of Florida are you in?
Williston. Its about 25 miles from both Ocala and Gainesville, to the west.
greetings from Kansas City