Well I have read many threads about not to cut gold fingers off video cards, etc, but being very curious I decided to do my own little experiment.
I started with 26.315 lbs of gold fingered cards, varying in all different sizes. I made sure I had a good mix of very small, small, medium, large, and extra large cards so I could get a better average.
I get $4.45 per # on gold fingered cards from a member on this forum so that would equate to $117.10.
I spent 60 minutes cutting, organizing, and cleaning up the dust. These were my results:
25.65 lbs of trimmed cards which I can get $3.35 per # on boardsort which equates to $85.93
I was left with .665 lbs of EXTREMELY close cut gold fingers which I can get $74 per # on boardsort which totals $49.21
Which gives me a total of $135.14 and is $18.04 greater than leaving them. So I pretty much made $18 an hour, but I can definitely speed up the process significantly. I am using a bandsaw and it rips right through them.
Now I have noticed that many of you say that you don't think it is worth it to cut the fingers off, but I had an hour in which I was doing nothing and decided to try this experiment.