Modifying a Trailer Ideas needed
Hello all! Newer to the forum first want to say Hi.
I recently bought a used single axle 5x10 trailer, wood floor with a 4x 5ft mesh foldown ramp and about a 10 in. high angle iron rail all around.
I already know I want to make the sides or at least the front higher, maybe add tie down eyelettes or holes in the rails for tie hooks. I can do almost anything with it at this point.
I was thinking to make it as versatale as possible maybe some type of removable side extensions maybe welding sq. steel where I could put in /take out wood posts in or something?
maybe adding a winch in front to pull up items up ramp? is a mesh style ramp strong enough?
What have you found works or maybe you said I should of done .......... with a trailer.
Thanks for your answers in advance,