salvage vs scrapping
I was wondering how many of you come across a job that has a wide variety of things , do you scrap everything metal and copper or do you try to resell things that can be salvaged? If i think i can make more $ reselling something i try to do so then scrap everything else. What's your thoughts?
depends on time and storage space. i try to resell things, but if they stay too long, away they go
I always prefer better than scrap price, but circumstances sometimes prevents the extra time to go that route
If you dont have time or shelf space to resell, you can resell those items to someone like me that does. I have a wide variety of methods i use to move resale. What type of items are you referring to porkchop?
If it's not going to get scrapped, then it goes on CL for a bit. If still no bites and I still don't want to scrap it, I send it through one of the local auction houses. More often than not it brings what I was asking on CL, if not more.
If i think i can make more,and someone get some use i try to sell it, consignment store,flea market booth, and we do a couple yard sales each year, when possible put it in the front yard and hang a for sale shingle on it.
I hate selling things to other people,I've tried the fleamarket and yard sale and I hate having to deal with people that always try to talk you down on price. This is how I got started scrapping, I knew I could take things apart and sell the diffrant metals to the scrap yard and knew how much I would get. Sometimes I save things that I or someone else (family or friends) can use but everything else gets scrapped.
the only thing i sold easy was green fence posts $2 apiece i couldnt get that ad cancel quick enough, got them on a clean up job
I dont have anything in general, just seeing if others thought the same way i do
getting $5 for something the scrap yard pays $2 for, il take the 5!! Price high for the ones that want to bargain lol!!!
anything i can make a buck on i will resell, i am open to anything
I sell at fair prices on cl
Usually there is no haggling. It is the price i am comfortable with and it is over scrap/ under retail so all are happy
I save a lot of usable salvage for myself more than resale.
saving money is just as good as making it