seems like every time I come home from the grocery store. and unpack, I find a missing item o two, it always seems to be pricey items like meat. this week it was 2 lbs of bacon at $3 a lb. Is it just me or does any one else have this problem.
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seems like every time I come home from the grocery store. and unpack, I find a missing item o two, it always seems to be pricey items like meat. this week it was 2 lbs of bacon at $3 a lb. Is it just me or does any one else have this problem.
Last time I was missing my tomatoes and lettuce! LOL
Wierd im eating a BLT right now :)
last week picked up 5 or 7 items & 2 or 3 of them were on sale as long as you had the "stupid card" to get the special price.
total came to 19 bucks and some small change so that 20 spot died a quick death.
driving home i got that sudden V-8 moment of the hell did i just spend 19 bucks when 2 items were 2fer 5 and 2fer 6 ??????
got home and took one look at the reciept and went ballistic......2 items shelf price reg 3.99 or 2fer 6.00 with your stupid card rang up $6.99 each
major overcharge.
drove back and pointed out the problem to customer service desk. they offered to refund the difference which i declined and told them to refund the full amount and i took the 14 bucks across town and spent it all at their competition.
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during the summer was in one of those warehouse/member places and had loaded 10 cases of water on the flatbed cart
pushed that **** cart from one side of the store to the other and would leave it in the main aisle and just run down the side aisles to grab what i needed. well i musta took too long with my back turned in that last aisle cause when i got back to my cart some lazy no good SOB helped themselves to 2 cases of water:mad:
I dont even wanna go there. Last night had tons on my mind, went to Publix after wife gave me BoGo list. Filled up the cart including a few special treats for me and the kids. Checkout time, lady was nice and bagger was going fast. Then that moment of sheer panic when your trusty wallet is not parked in the back pocket....or the front, or anywhere else for that matter. Race home, spend 45 minutes trying to locate, kids want dinner, wife giving me grief because I "never" make mistakes. Well, grilled cheese and leftover ravioli for dinner and finally found it, but just put on the sweats and called it a night.
Yeah olddude i have that exact problem only its usually my kids taking stuff out of bags while i go back out to car to get the rest. Amazing how fast a bag of chips can disapear.
Sometimes you gotta watch them at the Walmart. They have this gadget where the bags are loaded on a 3-sided turnstile type of device. They load the bag with your merchandise and then they spin it around to face your bags towards you while they load the next set of bags.
Sometimes they don't always check to make sure that you got everything before they rotate it to the next side and if you aren't careful, you will think that you've loaded the last bag when there is one more that you can't see.
wheres the bacon?
You've really got to watch for them. They're not rocket scientists, usually just school kids bringing home check that doesn't seem like much(and it isn't) after all the taxes, or moms who would rather be at home taking care of their family.
I don't care to be shuffled though the lines like a bunch of cattle either, and have lost(or been overcharged for) far too many items at the counter, as they were trying to rush the next person through, but do you realize they are being very closely monitored? The stores have expectations of so many items per minute, so many customers per hour, that each cashier is expected to meet, otherwise they get called up for reviews against their job performance. It doesn't count in this review how many they said a friendly hello to, or how many little old people with failing eyes they patiently waited for to find their change. All that matters there are numbers, and you can thank the store chains(and totally impatient customers) for that.
About the only solution is to watch carefully, and double check the bag rack before walking away. That's pretty much become my approach, is to look again, as I ask, "did i get everthing?", which also leads them to help you check once more
I live in a small city in Iowa. The store I shop at does not even question it if I come in and tell them something is missing. They just give me another one. I guess that is one of the benefits of shopping in the same place all the time. They know and trust me.