Split/cracked/cut skin on your hands
I was going to put this in "off topic discussions", but I actually think it's quite relevant to a scrapper's life. Especially this time of year, but anytime you're working with scrap & washing your hands a lot, they can really dry out & split around your fingernails. And considering that split-up fingertips have made it to where sometimes I can't face breaking down one more thing, I think it's a relevant topic. It's hard to break down things when you can't stand to pick up anything tiny, or do delicate touchy work... and FORGET about twisting out a bolt with your thumbtip!
So... after trying every remedy I could find, my wife read about a GREAT fix... though many of you will find it kinda gross.
Yep, that's right. Crisco lard. The real lard you can get at the Hispanic-targeted stores here in DFW is even better. Just smear a dime-sized ball of that into your hands and let it soak in for about 10 minutes, then rinse off the excess with water as hot as you can tolerate, (No soap), then go to bed. Do this every night & your hands split A LOT less.
If your fingertips still do split, take a vitamin E capsule, punch a hole in it with a safety pin, and squeeze out a generous dollop of the juice onto a bandaid pad, then put that bandaid on over the split fingertip. Keep the juice off the sticky part of the bandaid, or else it won't adhere. Cuts/splits heal a whole lot faster with vitamin E juice than even with Neosporin.