Hi from Australia
Hi everyone,I am in Australia as the title says.I have been a lurker around here for at least 6 months just reading & learning as much as I can.
I started scraping when my son was unwell early this year and I had to take a lot of time off work but still pay the bills.With all the knowledge you all share we got by in tough times.
I am glad to say after 6 months of chemotherapy my boy has kicked cancers arse.
Scraping started as a way to pay the bills but after my first trip to the yard I must say it became my passion.I love it,I love the hunt,out seeing what you can get,I love being in the shed(with a few too many beers)breaking things down & I love the cash also.
I would not of made half of what I have if it was not for this forum.
So now my boy is well & the bills are paid I am looking at moving to full time scraping & also getting involved in the forum,I have a lot more to learn but may be able to help some starting out.
Cheers Brett
Welcome Brett, and luck to the family for the future.
Glad you were able to utilize all the info available. There is getting to be quite a few of you down under so you might be able to start networking with one or two others and all of you get bigger and better. (Bigger loads=Better pay)
Welcome, It's always good to hear from another scrapper, and even better to hear that your boy beat cancer! :-D
Welcome to the forum and congrats on your son's improved condition. I am so very happy every time I read that this forum has helped those who use the information and work hard. I wish you much continued success. I recommend you look into ewaste it seems like it might have a lot of potiential in your country. Mike.
Hey Brett :) Welcome to SMF! Happy to hear about both you and your boy's successes, may there be many more.
Welcome from south of Chicago
Thanks for the welcome & well wishes for my family.
All is well & a new year is about to begin.I am ready to work hard,learn more & earn more.
All the best for the new year.