Hi from Long Island
X mass on Long Island
I scrapped,hit the $300 mark , The local people treat scrappers really well compared to last years upstate NY flood situation . I am a LI transplant any way . guess I'll always be a long Islander at hart. The yards pay well to better on certain base metals but due to supply and demand (from overwhelming flood scrap ) steel is way lower on the pay out . Had 540 lb heater base boards was paid $39 upstate would have been $56 - but brass AL SS pay better & the yards are so less picky on the clean Brass Aluminum or SS . Copper is universal that it is #1 #2 & pay 2.80 - .30 more, The yards allow the scrappers to clean some of the product - by me come cleaned or give as is .
It was interesting I found a SS oven hood had a bit of mettle duct work a fan motor a lite bulb good weight I did not even bother to see if it was Ferris or Non stainless steel I was paid .60 per LB by me that would be considered dirty SS . I gave them an Aluminum kid scooter which is definitely considered dirty by me - there it's AL @ .54 and the clean was .54 I see people bringing in AC condenser radiators whole @ 1.25 lb by me gotta cut the ends clean to get 1.00 lb
I can't vouch for all the yards on LI but competition must cause universal rules, I must really be a scrapper as that was a nice extra touch in the vacation to scrap ! I would love to scrap USA cross country .
Over all I am grateful for the strict rules to scrap by me. as it has made me into a good scrapper
I am tight but once I see the door open for a little relaxation thats easy to adapt to . The LI scrappers would not like the rules by me . Gotta figure a premium is paid for the extra clean product that the long Island yards don't worry about ??