FedEx box size
I sold a computer on Ebay and offered to include the monitor if the buyer wanted to pay the extra shipping, which the buyer did. I used my FedEx account to get a quote on shipping. The box I had did not fit the monitor and CPU so I was trying to figure out what size box I could get from WallyWorld and what the shipping would be.
There was a 12.00 difference between a 18x18x24 box and a 20x20x24 box with the same weight to the same place.
I usually use Ewasted's labels on what I send and didn't realize that such a small difference in size was such a big difference in price with everything else being the same.
While with the buyer's volume discount through FedEx you may not see such a big variance, it may be worth it to play around with the FedEx site and see if you are paying MORE for a slightly larger box and can save a few bucks. Every dollar counts.
Nope, CRT, but it was a vintage set, Monitor, keyboard, mouse and CPU.
I used mostly UPS when I shipped those, and had some few of em packaged by them. They required a 6" foam pad all around the CRTs then(I'm somehow almost thinking possibly 3", but I can't think that would been enough) They used those heat type expanding foam to pack them with
18x18x24 is awful close toe the border between regular and oversize package. there is a wierd formula they use, the other box is probably just a hair over the line
Depending upon what the weight you put in, it might also be a dimensional weight price. That can make a big difference.