Hello from West Texas!
Hi all! My name is Isaac and I live in Midland, TX. (West Texas area). I am new here and wanted to introduce myself and say hello! :)
Although I am not an avid scrapper per say, I have some old differential pressure units/flow meters (also referred to as Manometers) that I acquired from my father in law and hope to make a good return on scrapping them... since they are no longer operational, each unit (total of 24) has various forms of aluminum, stainless steel, and hopefully copper inside the manometer... this is an electric motor, right? lol!
All in all, this site is a great place to seek answers to many questions that I have. Thanks in advance ;)
Great to be here guys and gals!
See you in the forums...
Isaac P.
Hey Isaac, welcome to SMF! After 5 easy posts you'll be able to put photos with it. This really helps a lot. Good luck man
Thanks Bear! Photos coming soon... =)
Welcome from West Virginia.
Hey! I used to live in Midland in the early 80s. My pops still lives there, right across the street from Alamo Jr High.
Welcome to the forum!
Separate them for the best money by the different metals, if you leave them this way and sell, they will pay you a cheap mixed metal price.
Welcome from the cold state of nh -15 f here this morning wind chill around - 25 to -30
Thanks everyone! Glad to be here chattin' it up... =)