Hello From The Golden State!!!
Alright i had to do it at some point so now im introducing myself after enjoying this forum for a couple of weeks now. I am a young business owner newly married, actually comin up on first anniversary livin the good life on the coast in Cali. Many would say i live in the middle of nowhere which i actually would prob agree with. But thanks to all the hippies, old farmers and growers out this way in the great ole Mendocino county we have enough scrap to keep growing. Just recently got into my own yard in december. No public access or employees at this point but still makin money. Its funny once you get started in the scrap scene its almost like an addicting game. I have the means to support the family but i find myself working for less because i enjoy it soo much. Dont get me wrong tho cause i love turning in a good recycle load like anyone else i just like the simplicity of it all. As a matter of fact i just sold material today for best prices iv ever received and i was pretty stoked about that.
In the way of advise i dont think i can compare to most of the members with years of experience but if i can help in any way i sure would like to. ill probably be asking more questions than givin answers. By the way the picture you see next to my name is actually the view from our house. Looking forward to getting to know more about the business everyday and meeting new people with same interests.