My little red dolly.
Heres my recycled dolly I made a few months ago. All i paid for were the 2 "no flat" wheelbarrow tires @$30 each and the paint $2.
I've used it to move some stuff up some stairs and due to the size of the wheels it seemed like i was going up a ramp.
I also used a tie strap to hold down stuff. Me and a friend used it to move a 500 or 600 pound snack machine .
That's some good work there sol. I can see all kindsa positives, but I'll leave those for you to point out ; )
It seems the axle distance from the pick-up point would greatly decrease your leverage
It also looks like if it were to get away from you with a heavy load, you would Not want those handles in your ribs
Between the costs for those 2 no-flat wheelbarrow wheels and the ratchet strap, ....you probably could have bought an appliance dolly.
Granted the larger wheels are better for uneven ground, ie gravel, grass, etc, ...but a wider track would be more stable.
And you'll be wanting to avoid using that on stairs, one try and you'll know what I mean :)
Nothing like building ur own equipment! I find modifying my design as much fun. Million $ inventions came from tinkerers and hard working people like the ones on SMF. Cool dolly.
Good job Sol!
And don't listen to people who pooh-pooh your design. I have about six different two wheeled hand trucks, and they all serve a different purpose. If this does what you need that is all that matters. If you find yourself needing a different type I'm sure you'll make that judgment when appropriate and then buy or build another.
Killer dolly man, Only thing is the lift plate on the bottom should stick out more.
Looks like a fun project. Like others here, I'll offer my personal critique. I think you should have painted it blue. lol