This is what I do when I am having a day where I'm finding no scrap and have no current things to scrap, I would love to hear what others do!
Okay, So i'm gonna start off by saying what I usually do on slow days. Light bulbs...? Worth it maybe not, But if you get alot yes! The bottom of light bulbs as you may know are aluminum, They dont weigh alot but if you get them in the hundreds they will definatally fill your aluminum bucket! Ive been doing this for a short time now and its simple and only takes 5 minutes, Heres what you have to do; take all you light bubls and place them in a old sack, (Strong One) Fill it up if you have enough, And take a small board or sheet of plywood and set in ontop of the bag full of light bubls and step on it, They will all break on impact and when you open the bag just use gloves and take the aluminum out and put it in your aluminum pile! Its fast easy and makes more money than sitting around with nothing to scrap!