Salvage 1
I'm sure some of ya'll remember that old tv show? Been reading up on space junk, seems there actually a few companies looking to try to go to low earth orbit and collect some of the old satelites, and reuse the parts. Kinda funny,some day two guys cruising there spacecraft,curb shopping for satelites. It'll be the same thing, gotta beat the other guys, Somebody done stripped it! or outracing the goverment trash guy. And some body will have to complain that their satelite been floating around 20 years out of gas, soon as these guys pick it up, sombody will be griping about it was'nt in the trash. And maybe these guys can say " grandpa told me him and his dad used to do something like this back on Earth" Lol Something to ponder, I wonder how much gold is in an old communication satelite, or one of the old tv ones?