Hello from Chicago
Hey I'm Michael from Chicago oringally from CT so I'm new here and I'm kinda new to scrapping to but I have done a lil bit before my biggest score was about a ton of x-ray film that I sold for 87 cents a pound I was pretty happy never got I score like that since then I wish I can tho in the near future
welcome from outside the city
Welcome to the forums from a sandbar of the coast of NC! Thank you for the intro, makes it much more pleasurable dealing with folks who share a little about themselves. You've found the best place to learn more on this trade. We all seek that 'whale' and here you'll find plenty of folks who will share how they found an did it, and more!
Great info available here, and the folks here are some of the best I've had the pleasure to interact with on a internet forum.
With that said...as I said in the other thread, use that search box at the top, and read, read, and read some more, and you'll find that elusive score once again.
Good luck to you and I hope to soon be reading of the awesomeness that is your scrapping adventures. :cool:
Sirscrapalot - Sanity is highly overrated.
Thx for the welcome sirscrapsalot and Russell btw sirscrapsalot I took your advice about the search and it helped a lot now I know I got icw#2 very much appreciated
Welcome to the forum. I can't give you any tips, looks like sirscrapalot beat me to it.
Welcome from south of Chicago