Scrapyard Run
Going to the scrapyard and turning in some metal for cash, hoping to get some good money for all my metals here's what I got so far
5 gallon bucket #1 Copper
5 gallon bucket sheet aluminum
Aluminum screen door
A couple brass fittings
10 Foot dump trailer full of shred
5 full sized trash cans shred
stainless steel washer drums
2, 5 gallon buckets insulated copper
Aluminum baseball bat (Dirty Aluminum)
Box of CBM's
Half of a 5 gallon bucket #2 copper
And that's about all for this load, hoping to get me some good cash for all this metal, Ill post pictures and keep you updated on how much I make.:recycle:
Good luck man
Ive been reading your posts and you're doing well for yourself starting so young
Sounds like a good payday.
Copper Bearing Material - CBM
I'll take a guess that you have 1200 lbs of stuff... And you will make $375.00 !!!
Copper bearing motors including transformers
they make me cut alu bats because the have foam inside
I've always sold aluminum bats as clean sheet, the screen door would be worth more if you brake it down and take all the steel screws out (extruded aluminum) just my .02.
Never shared what u made brotha...
Ive seen a few of ur youtube vids..uve got a great future