Fair price for gaylords full of mixed boards
I was at the yard today getting rid of my heatsinks/power supplies/etc when a yard manager approached me about buying all their boards. They pay craptastic for boards, ranging from .15 to .40 a pound depending. Come to find out, they are just flipping them to another yard for one flat rate per pound. When I asked him how much, he told me for $1.00 a pound, I could be their e-waste buyer.
I looked in the box, and it was the largest mix of PCB that I've ever seen, ranging from low grade all the way up to ram sticks. I told him I would have to think about it, and then get back to him in the next couple weeks.
I'm sure I can use an equation to figure out what % of each material type/value I would need to breakeven. Anyone else here have an arrangement like this, and if so, would you care to share what you're paying for your mixed lots?