Using FedEx option on Ebay
Usually when you purchase postage on-line you save a little money. While selling on Ebay I saw they had a FedEx option and read they offer a discount on their services if purchased through their site (Ebay). Using this option, you print a label and are then billed in the monthly invoice when the package is delivered.
The first few packages went out without a hitch.
I then noticed a strange charge on my invoice. It was a 30.00 shipping charge. I never sent anything through FedEx that cost 30.00 to ship so I started looking at what item it was.
What I found out was I was being overcharged on some items. It was not all my items, just and odd one here and there. I would be okay if there was a small surcharge or some other incidental fee (I was right on with the weight and size) but I was being charged an EXTRA 50% on their quote. A 20.00 shipping quote with the correct weight and size was being billed to me at 30.00.
I went through the roof. If they had said it was a 2-3.00 surcharge for fuel or not being a business address I can understand. I can't understand charging 50% more for no reason at all. The size and weight were correct, the address didn't move obviously, they didn't pick up the package (I took it to the FedEx store).
While Ebay did refund the overage, they were very slow to do so (6 weeks), and I still have 2 other packages they overcharged me on. I'm waiting for them to adjust my current invoice on one (also have a 40.00 package that they charged me 58.00 for on next month's invoice).
While this isn't every package, it's enough to cause me to stop using this option. I would suggest you DON'T print a fedex label off Ebay and if you have in the past, make sure you check your invoice.