Our recycling center dabbing in E-Recycling.
Thursday I stopped at the center to ask some questions about the 1099's and then was inquiring about if they were gonna start with electronic boards. The good news is....Yes, they are gonna start recycling the boards. Bad news...he is still learning what needs to be done and the prices he is currently gonna start paying isn't quite what I had in mind. I know another member said something to the effect of $1.80 a pound....right now, if I took them in, he would pay $0.06 a pound for the less populated boards, but mother boards he would pay more but he has to see them before he decides. I told him to continue his research and I will continue collection them (even though I will send off a box to one of those gold recovery placers and see what that brings). I will talk with him about it again in a month or so and see if his prices change. 6 cents a pound is better than no cents a pound, but if I can average $2.00 a pound, I know where I will go.