metals' density/volume/weight calculator.
I found this page quite interesting. Plug in the one measurement that you know about your particular piece of metal, and this page will automatically calculate dozens of other measurements. Pretty cool.
Calculation of density with aluminum aluminum
Calculation of density with copper copper
Calculation of density with gold gold
Calculation of density with silver silver
Calculation of density with steel steel
These should cover most scrappers' needs, but if you change the numbers before the .htm, and you get other materials. They appear to be in ascending alphabetical order.
Someone submitted a link a while back where you could plug in the known measurements of a piece of steel; say 2"x2"x36" and it would tell you the weight. Anyone know the page I'm talking about. Seems it was a steel company website, and I keep thinking the word 'brown' was involved. Any help out there?