New guy from Southern Connecticut
Hi fourm! I came across this site in a search curious about metal/where i could find metal or something in a desperate attempt to make some money since im all tapped out for steady work right now :(... Im a roofer by trade been doing in it since i was literally 13 years old and got into some handyman work and other things along the way, not to much i cant do. Im 23 now and have a almost 3 year old son and some other bills to pay ( not as much as some of you i bet, thank god ).... Sooo needless to say i been freaking out, stressed and all that good stuff....
But i have to say this is a pretty cool place with a bunch of helpful information, I just need to land some jobs like i hear about on here haha.
Im a hands on type of guy, love it acutally..... I have a car that i can beat up a little so thats a good thing but its not a truck:o and a bunch of tools, the best thing i have thats useful here is a sawsoff.
I live in a populated area so all the mechanic places that ive checked already have their regular guys they say.... My car isnt that good on gas at all so i cant really just drive around aimlessly. Ive got a list of gun ranges/plumbing and hvac places i guess im gonna call and ask if they have any junk they wanna get rid of, but i can only take limited amounts of things with a car....ahhh hopefully i get threw this and it doesnt get worse.